performances | franco-allemande - T-LAP

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performances | franco-allemande

The call for participation for our french-german performance project 2024 is about to come!

Interested performers may show interest and contact us.

The Franco-German Performance Project 2012-2024

"We meet each other on a universal level" - this sentence of a former participant stands for a special quality of encounter and characterises the objectives of this bilateral cultural project. T-LAP is an initiative that explicitly promotes the networking of international cultural workers in a context characterised by internationality, tolerance and respect. We see our task in creating a common  space of experience.

ARTISTIC CONCEPT: empty space performance - a special style and approach of improvisation and instant composition.
It is an improvised form of dance-theater as an instant composition. It is an artistic laboratory with an audience. Through movement, language, sound and music, the unknown is encountered and leads to a challenge for the performers: to find the rhythm and quality of the moment for an authentic artistic composition. Spaces of language and movement are opened and discovered, in the awareness of the moment the cycle of routine is broken, the liberation from limiting ideas leads to the discovery of the empty space in an artistic creation!

It becomes real in everyday German-French fellowship; in solo work, e.g. in writing personal texts based on experiences from one's own biography; in the sharing of German-French accommodation; at the dinner table, playing table tennis, etc.. The approach to the project theme, which deals with questions of life and takes the participants' experience of the world as a starting point for exchange.

The shared (experience of) life in the microcosm of the project is framed by a language that emphasises clarity, listening and mindfulness. listening and attentiveness. This attentiveness is valuable for the encounter in general as well as being necessary as a starting point for aesthetic expression through performing arts: the stage space as a place of of design is itself a place of condensed complex communication and aesthetic expression. The performers communicate with themselves as an instrument and are mediators in dialogue with the audience.

CULTURAL EDUCATION: aesthetic, artistic, political!
The aim of the Performance Workshop is an artistic project in the context of cultural education with a focus on Franco-German relations: The principles of cultural education such as respect, self-responsibility, heterogeneity, participation and inclusion of individual skills were decisive for us as an inner guideline and yardstick for the Franco-German cultural partner project. These demands had to be proven again and again within a bilateral group of individuals, heterogeneous in every respect, by means of concrete everyday negotiation processes.

Theaterlabor Art Productions
Frankfurt am Main
Mitglied laPROF Landesverband freier professioneller Theater Hessen
Photos & videos
© by Ferenc Kréti
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